
Monday, July 6, 2015

I Just Can't

Everything, is going to pieces.
That’s right,
I said it—
I can’t be an adult,
To whomever that pleases.

I’m up all night worried
And I’m sick all day trying.
And where’s the money coming from for
All the clothes that I’m buying?

School’s hard
And life’s hard
And right now I’m a mess.
And could someone please tell me,
“Do I look fat in this dress?”

Grocery bills kill me
And my feet hurt all day.
I already have three jobs,
With two more on the way.

I want to eat healthy but
I’m not rolling in money,
And let’s not forget,
I have to feed my bunny.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”
They all ask smugly.
“Why yes”, I reply,
“And he’s not even ugly!”

“So marriage, maybe?”
To which I have no answer,
So I smile ‘til they ask,
“And babies, soon after?”

I know that the world’s full of
Hunger, and riots.
But I’m just stuck here trying
To stick to this diet.

The Wi-Fi is a joke
In this dark, dusty apartment.
But even worse, let’s not
Talk about that stain in the carpet.

I walk to work,
And I walk to school too.
So shouldn’t I not have
To exercise too?

I almost miss the days
When my mom was the boss.
That woman knows everything,
And I’m at a loss.

Google gets me through things
And mom’s knowledge does too.
But their advice contradicts!
How should I know what to do?

I can bake any cake
But I can’t seem to cook rice.
I screw up so much
I could even ruin ice.

But speaking of ice,
I had ice cream for dinner.
It hurt my poor tummy,
But did I learn my lesson?

No! Of course not.
I had ice cream again.
My whole night will be
Spent curled up pain.

Did I mention the breakdowns?
Lots of screaming and crying.
And cussing, and punching.
You’d think I was dying!

But they can’t happen whenever,
Or at the drop of a hat.
I schedule them now,
Cause no one wants to see that.

Some friends are getting married
And others are single.
But that won’t stop any of them from
Trying to make you mingle.

You’ll protest and point out
That you’re happily taken.
But they want you at all parties
And events in the making.

Being an adult is
As hard as it seems.
But you can’t just complain,
Aren’t you living the dream?

I miss childhood days
When napping was encouraged.
Napping, oh napping,
Why did I think you were worthless?

Heating, and electric,
Water bills and more.
Groceries and rent,
And hidden fees galore.

Schoolwork and work-work,
And finding time to be sane.
When it all blows up on me,
There’s no one else to blame.

At the end of the day
After not a single win,
I’ll just call my mom,
And ask to move back in.

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