You set to work, like a painter at
an easel, or a cellist with his instrument—and I the work of art.
Hours pass, me posing, both of us
The world slipping by in an endless
tunnel of
Your walls and my heart.
This large and looming circle of love
with your name written on it,
And the minuscule square you expect
me to work with.
A snip snip snip here,
And a snip snip snip there.
I cut down my circle of love to fit
inside the square.
The changes are gradual, but the
Possibilities are endless.
I close my eyes in an effort to
The terrifying thought that I am
less than a person
To you.
Each limb has been redrawn on
drafting sheets, with pattern pieces
Cut to fit my oddly shaped person.
And on the assembly line I go—
You charge it up,
Cutting me out as I move through
the stages of production.
Snip snip snip here.
Snip snip snip there.
One night I fall asleep with your
Painted on the inside of my eyes
And I awake with the sun,
Because my eyes no longer blink.
They’re just open.
Painted bright and painted happy
On the flat face of a paper doll
Arms not meant to move
And heart not meant to beat
And blood not meant to flow
And eyes not meant to cry
And a smile as permanent as
A mountain.
I can feel the flutter of the paper
birds as their wings move me up
And up and up and up.
Towards the sun where my new wings
will melt
And the ocean will catch my gently
Dropping paper
Snip snip snip
Snip snip snip.
I was too human for you.
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